BronxWorks remains committed to food justice and addressing food insecurity issues in the Bronx. Our Community Health Programs seek to change the health landscape of the Bronx by providing health and nutrition education, access to fresh food options, interventions, and advocacy.
Contact Us.
Carolina Espinosa, Program Director, SNAP-Ed
646.393.4000 x9874
Rachel Gill, Associate Vice President, Community Health Programs
Explore our services:
The Carolyn McLaughlin Community Center Kitchen produces more than 600 meals from scratch every day to support a variety of BronxWorks programs.
The BronxWorks Saturday Family Wellness Program aims to support maternal and family well-being through a combination of nutrition education, wellness, mindfulness, and self-care activities.
Farm Stands provide local and regional produce to the community and offer health incentive coupons to customers who engage in virtual nutrition education.
BronxWorks joins United Neighborhood Houses and our partners in changing what it means to age by bridging the gap between generations. Both youth and older adults take part in program planning and organizing.
BronxWorks offers programs to increase health equity and education for women and mothers to improve birth outcomes in the Bronx and decrease infant mortality rates by providing cooking classes and other demonstrations offering nutrition education.
Nutrition Outreach and Education Program Coordinators offer one-on-one help with the SNAP application process and obtaining the right documents and information to maximize your benefits.
The SNAP-Ed program seeks to promote health and prevent or postpone the onset of diet-related diseases among the SNAP population of the Bronx through providing nutrition education and obesity prevention services.
The goal of Youth Food Justice is to improve healthy food access and healthy eating knowledge in selected south Bronx neighborhoods through youth-led action.