NYC declares a Code Red when temperatures climb above 90 degrees. For more information, click here.



The Carolyn McLaughlin Community Center’s indoor swimming pool holds activities and classes for children, teens, and adults.

The CMCC Pool

Carolyn McLaughlin Community Center

1130 Grand Concourse
Bronx, NY 10456

Physique Swimming


Click for map and directions

Community classes for children, teens, and adults are taught by Physique Swimming. Registration for classes can be arranged online (Youth Classes and Adult Classes), over the phone at 212.725.0939, or by printing and sending the registration forms below to:

Physique Swimming
115 Broadway, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10006

Regstration Forms To Download & Print

We recommend using the online registration links above, but if you would prefer to print and send the forms, please use the following: