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The BronxWorks Jobs-Plus Program is a workforce development pilot program that supports NYCHA residents living in the Betances, E. Roberts Moore, Melrose, and Courtlandt Avenue Houses. It combines employment-related services, financial incentives, community support for work (opportunities for residents to promote work among their neighbors), and financial counseling.

Contact Us.

Erica Woods, Program Director
718.993.8880 x287

BronxWorks Jobs-Plus

Based on an innovative national workforce development model, the Jobs-Plus Program has helped more than a thousand public housing residents secure meaningful employment, increase their earnings, advance employment outcomes through work readiness, and build wealth.

Jobs-Plus offers the following free services:

Employment and Training Services

  • Employer linkages for employment and career advancement opportunities, job placement, and employment counseling
  • Pre- and post-employment support services
  • Résumé building, career coaching, work readiness training, and workshops
  • Vocational skills training and academic enrichment programs

Workforce Development Main Office

550 East 142nd Street
Bronx, NY, 10454

Click for map and directions

Financial Counseling, Coaching, and Literacy Services

  • Access to rent-based financial incentives and Earned Income Tax Credits
  • Establishing or increasing a credit score
  • Financial literacy workshops
  • Increasing child support services
  • Minimizing debt
  • One-on-one financial counseling services
  • Opening a bank account
  • Increased awareness, understanding and enrollment in the Earned Income Disallowance (EID) program (Jobs-Plus program only)

Community Support for Work

Work as a community coach to help your neighbors in the Betances, E. Roberts Moore, Melrose, and Courtlandt Avenue Houses:

  • Connect to support services
  • Enhance their community engagement and participation
  • Overcome barriers
  • Promote, leverage, and strengthen their social ties
  • Support the needs of their community