A Code Blue Weather Emergency notice is issued when the temperature drops to 32 degrees Fahrenheit or less between 4pm and 8am, including National Weather Service calculations for wind chill values. No one who is homeless and seeking shelter in New York City during a Code Blue will be denied. Should you see a homeless individual out in the cold, please call 311 and an outreach team will be dispatched to offer assistance.


Family Shelters

BronxWorks operates three family residences in the Bronx that can house a total of 360 homeless families at a time.

Every shelter unit provides:

  • A cooking area
  • Private bathrooms

Every building provides:

  • Early childhood programs and activities for school-age children
  • 24/7 security on site
  • A sophisticated camera system
  • Access to medical services

BronxWorks is committed to providing a safe and clean environment. Clients are required to meet with casework staff and take steps towards self-sufficiency.

Additionally, we also operate a Family Sanctuary for immigrant families.

A women sitting down on stairs with her mask on while looking at something

It’s safe, it’s positive, they have activities and things for the kids to do, so it gives me a break in some of those areas.”

— Lucinda L., BronxWorks Resident

Community Impact

In 2023, BronxWorks made 164 permanent housing placements from our family shelters and Family Sanctuary.