Fatherhood Center

The BronxWorks Fatherhood Center program offers services to eligible Bronx fathers age 18+ who are low-income and are the non-custodial, joint custodial, or sole custodian to a child under age 24. The program intends to reinforce positive parent-child and co-parenting relationships, expand opportunities to achieve financial stability, and improve parenting knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy.

Workforce Development Main Office

550 East 142nd Street
Bronx, NY, 10454

Asia Sanders, Senior Outreach Specialist

929.581.5042 or 917.886.2512

Click for map and directions

All services are free and include:

  • employment services
  • skills training
  • parenting and healthy relationship education
  • child support case management assistance
  • financial education & tax preparation
  • peer mentorship
  • health insurance benefits screening
  • benefit enrollment

…and more!


Information sessions are happening now on Zoom every Friday at 2pm. Register for one below!

A man is holding a baby. He is looking at her and smiling.

Quincy J. comes to BronxWorks to build a better future for daughter Soraya.

Quincy J. is a 23-year-old father to Soraya. He is an active member of the BronxWorks Fatherhood Center, a program offering services to eligible Bronx fathers age 18+ who are low-income and are the non-custodial, joint custodial, or sole custodian to a child under age 24. The Center works to reinforce positive parent-child and co-parenting relationships, expand opportunities to achieve financial stability, and improve parenting knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy.

Quincy, a lifetime Bronx resident, is no stranger to BronxWorks; he started attending the BronxWorks Jobs-Plus program as a teenager seven years ago and speaks very highly of all the services offered by BronxWorks and the Workforce Development Department. “I’ve known about BronxWorks for a long time,” he says. “The staff have always been around to help me through whatever stuff I was going through.” Through BronxWorks assistance, he received his security guard and OSHA30 certifications, increasing his employability.

Quincy started attending programs at the BronxWorks Fatherhood Center shortly after his daughter was born to learn how to become not only the best father he can be but also the best co-parent he can be to Soraya’s mother. “After Soraya was born, me and her mother fought a lot. Through the program, I’ve learned that I really need to listen to what the other person is saying without bias. I’ve learned to be less defensive,” he says. As part of the Fatherhood Center, members can regularly attend group sessions with other fathers. He says, “We talk about what we’ve been through, how we were raised, and then discover how that may have led to how I handle certain situations in my life. I’ve been able to take these lessons and share them with Soraya’s mother to strengthen our co-parenting relationship.”

Quincy would love to see programs like the Fatherhood Center grow and encourages other fathers young and old to check out the program. “If you need help with your life and you’re willing to put in the work, BronxWorks is the place to be,” he says. “They take the time with you to connect you with financial information and assistance, therapy, jobs, and all sorts of things. I’ve learned not only how to become a better father but a better person overall.”