Todd G. has been stably housed for a year and is now back to work and thriving.
Todd G. had been in the NYC shelter system since 2017. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in the early Spring of 2020, Todd was still homeless until a one-bedroom apartment opened up in the BronxWorks HUD Scattered-Site Supportive Housing Program. Despite some uncertainties, Todd accepted the placement and moved into the apartment.
It’s been a little over a year now that he has been stably housed, and Todd continues to make strides getting back on his feet. He tried out for a line-cook position, got the job, and has been working there ever since.
Now he juggles a busy work schedule and taking care of himself, all while managing his own finances. He’s also thinking about how he can give back to society. “I can deal with this kind of stress,” Todd says. BronxWorks Case Managers work with Todd on achieving goals that he sets. “We’re on like a personal line, I can call them, they call me, they’ve been very helpful and supportive.”
The BronxWorks philosophy in supportive housing is to meet clients where they are at, help them set their own goals, and work together to promote independence and healthy lifestyles. “The assistance BronxWorks gave was what I needed,” Todd says. “I knew I had the ability, I just needed the tools.”
BronxWorks, they’re like the foundation behind my success.”
-Todd G.
Throughout this year, we are inspired by the many stories of resilience and hope we witness every single day. Your support truly impacts BronxWorks program participants as they face various hardships, especially as the Bronx continues to recover from the socioeconomic effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The BronxWorks Building Better Futures Fund will help Bronx residents like Todd access stable housing and other important benefits. Donate today!