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Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)

Note: This program ended in 2022.

As of June 1, 2021, New York State began accepting emergency rent relief requests for tenants who have been adversely affected by COVID-19. The funding for this rent relief comes from the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP). BronxWorks and other organizations are providing assistance in applying for this relief.

What is ERAP?

ERAP is an emergency rental assistance fund that is open to anyone in New York who was financially impacted by COVID-19.  A tenant can be eligible for up to 12 months of rental and utility arrears from March 13, 2020 forward and, in some cases, up to three months of future rent as well.  Funds do not need to be repaid by the applicant.  The New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA) is currently not processing One Shot Deals for arrears after 03/13/20; HRA is telling people to apply for ERAP.

Who qualified for ERAP?

  • Anyone who was financially impacted by COVID with rent or utility arrears (if utility arrears, must have rental arrears as well) from March 13, 2020 onward.
  • Anyone who was financially impacted by COVID with a gross income at or below 120% Area Median Income (AMI), which varies by county and household size.
  • Anyone who received unemployment benefits, experienced a reduction in income, incurred significant costs, or experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19.
    • “Financial hardship” is viewed broadly and does not require extensive documentation, although an explanation can be made in the application. It is encouraged that anyone with rental or utility arrears apply for ERAP.

How does it work?

This assistance could pay up to 12 months of past due rent and, for some households, pay up to three months for future rent. The program can also pay for up to 12 months of overdue electric or gas bills. Please note, payments will always be issued directly to the landlord or utility provider.

What does a tenant need to apply for ERAP?

New York State Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) Documentation List (English)

For most applications, the landlord will also need to submit documentation.

Where can I apply?

This program ended in 2022.

The City answers frequently asked questions about ERAP.

Other press:
New rental network lends hand to struggling tenants (October 24, 2021) The Riverdale Press
New coalition helps Bronxites access emergency rent funds (October 14, 2021) The Bronx Free Press
Small-time landlords and renters struggle to get their share of rental relief (October 1, 2021) Nightline
Bronx Rental Assistance Network can help Bronxites in arrears (September 29, 2021) Patch New York
BronxWorks on BronxNet OPEN (September 8, 2021) BronxNet
BronxTalk – Bronx Affordable Housing and Evictions (September 6, 2021) BronxNet
Housing advocates warn of impending crisis for tenants as eviction bans, unemployment benefits end (September 2, 2021) CNBC
Supreme Court Ruling on NY Eviction Ban Fuels Confusion For Tenants and Landlords (August 17, 2021) City Limits
The State’s Distributed Nearly $100 million in Rent Relief So Far. Have You Applied?
(August 12, 2021) The City
Federal rent assistance is out there: Here’s how to apply (August 6, 2021) CBS News
New York Has $2.7 Billion for Rent Relief. Many Have Yet to Receive Aid. (July 25, 2021) New York Times
NY’s Rent Relief Program Has Yet to Cut a Check Amid Inefficiencies and Frustrations (July 15, 2021) City Limits

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