
New York City issues a Code Blue Weather Emergency when the temperature drops to 32°F or less between 4pm and 8am. Should you see a homeless individual out in the cold, please call 311 and an outreach team will be dispatched to offer assistance. Learn more here.

BronxWorks COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution At the Carolyn McLaughlin Community Center.

Left - A vaccine client is checked in by SOMOS staff. Center - A vaccinated woman gives a thumbs-up. Right - The BronxWorks gym turned into a vaccine clinic.
The BronxWorks Carolyn McLaughlin Community Center became a pop-up COVID-19 vaccination site during the month of February.

BronxWorks and SOMOS Community Care offered COVID-19 vaccinations to Bronx community members.

In February 2021, BronxWorks became a pop-up COVID-19 vaccine distribution site. In partnership with SOMOS Community Care, the BronxWorks Carolyn McLaughlin Community Center offered vaccines to qualifying individuals of the Bronx from Saturday, February 6 through Thursday, February 11, and will offer the second dose to vaccinated individuals in March.

BronxWorks is thankful to SOMOS Community Care for the successful partnership and proud to have distributed thousands of COVID-19 vaccines to Bronx community members.”
– Eileen Torres, Executive Director

BronxWorks continues to work with New York City agencies to promote information on COVID-19 vaccines and how members of the community can get vaccinated. To learn more, visit NYC Department of Health vaccine page.

For more information or announcements, follow us on social media: InstagramTwitter, and Facebook. To learn more about SOMOS Community Care, visit their website here.

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