Racheal Onijoko, Shift Supervisor at the BronxWorks Pyramid Safe Haven, began her BronxWorks career in 2006. Racheall’s first role at the Agency was as a Safety Monitor at the Nelson Avenue Family Residence. Prior to joining BronxWorks, Racheal worked as a private security guard.
In her current position, Racheal works directly with staff and residents. Her position requires her to ensure all posts are staffed, maintain a safe environment, prepare clients for emergency procedures, and conduct regular security checks. Racheal appreciates being a support system for the clients, assisting and helping them when needed and trying to make them feel secure and comfortable.
During her career at BronxWorks, Racheal obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Metropolitan College of New York.
“BronxWorks encourages people to pursue higher education and positions within the Agency. I recommend BronxWorks to everyone,” said Rachel about her tenure at BronxWorks of over 14 years.
Racheal, a Bronx resident, enjoys spending time with her children who are currently attending college. She also enjoys watching films and reading books to help improve herself and her well-being.
Racheal’s supervisor spoke highly of her: “She is extremely reliable, a ‘go-to’ supervisor, and a consummate professional. Regardless of the circumstances, Racheal keeps her composure.”