
New York City issues a Code Blue Weather Emergency when the temperature drops to 32°F or less between 4pm and 8am. Should you see a homeless individual out in the cold, please call 311 and an outreach team will be dispatched to offer assistance. Learn more here.

Afolake Racheal Onijoko

Racheal Onijoko, Shift Supervisor at the BronxWorks Pyramid  Safe Haven, began her BronxWorks career in 2006. Racheall’s  first role at the Agency was as a Safety Monitor at the Nelson Avenue Family Residence. Prior to joining BronxWorks, Racheal worked as a private security guard.

In her current position, Racheal works directly with staff and residents. Her position requires her to ensure all posts are staffed, maintain a safe environment, prepare clients for emergency procedures, and conduct regular security checks.  Racheal appreciates being a support system for the clients, assisting and helping them when needed and trying to make them feel secure and comfortable.

During her career at BronxWorks, Racheal obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Metropolitan College of New York.

“BronxWorks encourages people to pursue higher education and positions within the Agency.  I recommend BronxWorks to everyone,” said Rachel about her tenure at BronxWorks of over 14 years.

Racheal, a Bronx resident,  enjoys spending time with her children who are currently attending college. She also enjoys watching films and reading books to help improve herself and her well-being.

Racheal’s supervisor spoke highly of her: “She is extremely reliable, a ‘go-to’ supervisor, and a consummate professional. Regardless of the circumstances, Racheal keeps her composure.”

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