
New York City issues a Code Blue Weather Emergency when the temperature drops to 32°F or less between 4pm and 8am. Should you see a homeless individual out in the cold, please call 311 and an outreach team will be dispatched to offer assistance. Learn more here.

Walk-in Offices

BronxWorks offices throughout the borough offer walk-in and telephone services to help Bronx residents resolve problems. Our offices are staffed by skilled, compassionate professionals who specialize in housing, government benefits, consumer rights, immigration, senior services, and other matters. All walk-in personnel speaks both English and Spanish. 

You can drop by any of the offices listed below to speak to a BronxWorks staff member. All offices are open from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday.

We also maintain offices at a number of NYCHA complexes across the Bronx. These offices provide many of the same services our Walk-In Offices provide, including, but not limited to:

  • Connections to public benefits
  • SCRIE or DRIE Benefits application completion or renewals
  • Rental arrears assistance
  • Tax Prep referrals
  • Tax Credits
  • Questions about health insurance eligibility

Note that all services may not be present at all locations.

Two people talking down the street with a kid in the middle while passing a BronxWorks office

We base our locations and offices inside local neighborhoods around the borough so that we can connect with the everyday lives of our neighbors and offer services close to home.”

— Roger Begelman, Chairperson, Board of Directors

NYC Benefit Program

The BronxWorks NYC Benefit program is here to provide no-cost assistance to the Bronx community with applying for multiple New York City and State benefits. We also offer workshops and trainings regarding eligibility for these benefits.

Townsend Ave. Office

1477 Townsend Ave
Bronx, NY 10452

entrance on 172nd St.

Wandy Marte, Program Coordinator


Click for map and directions

Benefits we can help with include:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Benefits
  • Public Assistance/Cash Assistance (HRA)
  • Unemployment Insurance
  • Tax Assistance
  • Emergency Grants
  • Access A Ride
  • Fair Fares NYC
  • Health Insurance (Medicaid or Medicare)
  • HEAP

…and more!

To find out more contact us or walk in any time Monday through Friday. We also offer assistance in multiple languages.

Program Flyer en español

Program Flyer en français