New York City issues a Code Blue Weather Emergency when the temperature drops to 32°F or less between 4pm and 8am. Should you see a homeless individual out in the cold, please call 311 and an outreach team will be dispatched to offer assistance. Learn more here.


BronxWorks Response to Twin Parks North West Fire (UPDATED September 26, 2022)

The building of Twin Parks North West

Update as of September 26, 2022

BronxWorks continues to work with the families affected by the Twin Parks North West fire. Back in April of 2022, BronxWorks was contracted by the Mayor’s Fund to provide ongoing case management services to the impacted families. Since that time, we have continued to partner with the city, the state, and other organizations to provide essential aid, mainly in the form of case management services.

​Through funds provided by the Mayor’s Fund, BronxWorks was able to distribute a one-time, direct emergency cash assistance payment to each household affected by the fire. Additionally, a grant offered through New York State allowed us to purchase furniture for families moving into new residences. As the majority of families are now settled in new homes, BronxWorks continues to provide case management services and connect families with other supportive programs, including workforce development, job training and placement, financial counseling, English as a Second Language (ESOL), and immigration assistance.

We continue to provide emergency assistance as needed, including the provision of rental assistance, moving and storage fees, and cleaning services. We are committed to supporting families when unforeseen costs arise and to continuing our work of connecting families with any benefits that they are eligible for, as doing so will help to ensure long-term stability.


April 1, 2022 – Since January, with support from New York State, BronxWorks has provided ongoing case management services to families affected by the Twin Parks North West fire, including helping families secure household necessities such as furniture replacement; connecting residents to medical and mental health services; distributing financial assistance to primary leaseholders; assisting non-leaseholders with proving their residency to help them secure benefits; distributing food pantry items; troubleshooting transportation issues; and providing legal services and benefits application support to help families rebuild their lives after this devastating event. A separate organization was contracted to provide housing services. BronxWorks is not involved in any of the hotel or housing placements for families.

BronxWorks took action immediately after the fire. Case managers met with both the primary leaseholders as well as families who were doubled up. BronxWorks has been processing and will continue to process furniture requests, as well as address individual, specific needs of those who face significant obstacles, especially after enduring such a traumatic event.

BronxWorks is grateful to have been recently selected by New York City Mayor Eric Adams and the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City (Mayor’s Fund) to distribute $3 million in cash assistance to nearly 150 families impacted by the devastating Twin Parks fire in the Bronx. BronxWorks is distributing funding to the head of household of all leaseholders who resided in the building at the time of the fire, and to eligible non-leaseholders. BronxWorks will also distribute additional emergency funding throughout the year that may arise due to medical challenges resulting from the fire, and work with families to help replace lost items due to the fire. BronxWorks will also work with the impacted families who lost jobs, providing employment services, ESL classes, and immigration services. BronxWorks looks forward to working with the Mayor’s Fund to continue providing and building upon support for families.

BronxWorks has also been working closely with invaluable community partners, businesses and other groups to help shepherd their donations directly to families. The support has been astounding, and BronxWorks is also coordinating events to continue to facilitate direct donations from other generous entities.

Governor Hochul Announces $2 Million in Assistance for Tenants Displaced by Deadly Bronx Fire, January 16, 2022 (New York Governor Website)

Mayor Adams to Deliver Additional $3 Million in Cash Assistance to Bronx Fire Victims, March 16, 2022 (

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